Louise LeQuieu was born on February 29th, 1908. She was a leap year baby. One birthday every 4 years.
Her grandfather Herbert LeQuieu and grandmother Zoe (Selliers) LeQuieu had four sons and came over from France to start a new life. "The American Dream" Why they went from New York to a small community called "Collegeville" in Arkansas, I will never know. But that is just what they did. They bought the land and built their home and started their farming business.
Granny told me that her chores around the farm was feeding the pigs, milking the cows, feeding the chicken and then working out in the fields. She said that working in the fields was hard work, digging up the earth, removing all the rocks and stones that was in the way. Planting all the seed, weeding, and then harvesting. She said a normal work day was sun up to sun set.
Her father (Julian LeQuieu) and her mother (Zealian) which was part Indian, had 16 children. Granny was one of the youngest ones. Some of her brother and sisters died due to either still born or accidents. She talked mostly about Chick LeQuieu, her younger brother. Chick went into the army at a young age and was sent over seas. He drove his jeep over a land mine and it killed him. I remember her crying about it when she would tell this story.
1 comment:
Hi Allen, my name is Joshua Lequieu which means that we're distantly related. As I understand my heritage, my great grandfather was Charlie Lequieu (born ~1905), a brother of your grandmother Louise. This makes you a distant uncle of sorts.
Anyways, I'm trying to learn a bit more about my roots and was wondering if you could help me fill in some holes. If you're interested please let me know, and we can move this conversation to email.
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