I remember my first cup of coffee. I was only a child at my grandmothers house, out in the sticks of Possum Holler, Ark. Sitting down at the kitchen table, on a chilly morning . My grandmother was percolating coffee. I asked for a cup, she kept saying you are to young to drink coffee. I begged her for a cup. She finally gave in. It was not what I had expected, but it was good non the less.
My real coffee drinking started 17 years later when I was working the Grave Yard Shift at the Capitol Building, with Pat. Pat asked me if I wanted a cup of her coffee. I agreed with her. I thought this would help me stay awake. I will have to say one thing, Pat made the strongest coffee. Even the other co-workers agreed.
Pat's way to make coffee :
1 12 cup coffee machine, 1 filter, 1 cup of coffee grounds, 12 cups of water. Let it brew. Once it is done brewing, take out the used coffee grounds, put in a new filter, add 1 cup coffee grounds into the filter, pour the brewed coffee into the coffee machine and re brew. You do this step 3 times.This was back in the early 90's before Starbucks was even known about.
20 years of drinking coffee I consider myself a EXPERT in this field.

Now that you know that I am an EXPERT, I will get on with this. Folgers vs Maxwell House.
I found a special where Maxwell House Coffee was on sale. It was almost $2.00 cheaper than Folgers. I thought I would be open minded to trying a different brand, for less. Every penny counts these days.
I decided to do a taste test when I got home. I brewed both coffees:
I give Folgers 6 of my fabulous stars.

Smooth taste
Rich aroma
Maxwell House
Bitter taste
I dont like Maxwell House. ewwww I will know next time to go ahead and pay the extra money. I learned my lesson.
I love my coffee, but I don't like it strong. I'm a Folger's drinker too.
I love the smell of coffee but can't cope with the taste.
I also like the Folger's commercials - - - and the thing a little kid said a long time ago - - - - he thought the commercial said, "Soldiers in your cup."
Allen, I love coffee too. I agree Folgers has a softer taste and MH is very bitter. We generally mix Folgers with a flavored coffee. MH is so bitter that even when blended with a flavored coffee I can still taste the bitterness.
@ Rae, I dont like strong coffee either. I make mine almost to look like tea.
@ Miss Lynda, Coffee is not for everyone. I know I really did not like the taste for the longest time. But then I got used to it.
@ Kyle, Yeah MH is bitter, I wish I had known that before I bought it. =o)
I don't drink coffee now, but that's just a personal thing... I REALLY LOVE IT!! And when I drank it... FOLGER'S was the one for me too!! AND my first taste of coffee was at my grandparents, also. EARLY (before dawn) on chilly mornings, they'd go out and garden or whatever, and I'd sit on the porch with a coat and a great cup of coffee!!
I like the smell of coffee, but I don't drink it. I like tea. But my husband is a coffee connoisseur. He buys Eight O'Clock coffee BEANS and grinds them for each cup. He will try other brands, but usually he uses that brand.
I absolutely love coffee. I remember my dad getting ready for work and I would be sitting on his lap and he would let me have the last sip and I loved the sugary and creamy taste. Then I was about 8 or 9 and my grandparents would always have coffee and cake after dinner and the first time I remember being asked it I want coffee and I looked at my dad and he said yes but just one cup, well that was it man!!! I was hooked!
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