Here are a lot of my plants in my yard. But I have a problem, I only know about 3 of them. Can you help me name them?

I know that # 6 is a fern, # 15 is a palm tree, and # 16 is a Mango tree. But that is all that I know. Anyone else know what the names of these plants are?
Wow - - what a lot of pretty plants but I am not the one to be able to help you identify them. I don't even know what kinds of trees are in our yard and we have BUNCHES!
Do you have a county agriculture office or home extension office nearby? Generally they can help with just about anything like that - - and it's free because your tax dollars paid for it.
#14 looks like bougainvillea.
You can take the pictures to a nearby garden shop. They would probably be able to help you identify them. Me? I only know a handful of flowers and bushes; and none of them are what you have!
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