The instructions says:
1.You must brag about the award
2.You must include the name of the blogger who bestowed the award on you and link back to the blogger
3.You must choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or you may improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have seven friends (hey, I haven't been actively blogging that long myself)!
4.Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog. Or think of it this way--show the seven random victims' names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog Award. Well, there's no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
5.List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. Then pass it on with the instructions!
John said:
I'm happy to pass this award on to the following great and well deserved bloggers, and I know they won't brag too much about their own blogs, so I will help them out with that:
2. AllenMcalister is a blogger whose content includes many personal things in his life. His blog Allen McAlister.com has featured many "how to" projects, home videos, and some creative computer artwork, especially for holidays. Once Allen didn't post anything for several weeks and I missed his blogging. I'm glad as he states in a latest post "He's back." I was beginning to worry!
I had to read this over, I thought what? I wasn't expecting this. I thought omg, I have been given an award too. I was happy and very excited. I quickly emailed all of my friends from around the world.
First I want John to know that the award could not have come at a better time. I was feeling down in the dumps.
Thanks John!
10 honest things about myself.
- I sleep under 4 blankets year round, one is electric too.
- If I see that something needs done I just go ahead and do it. My friends and family tell me all the time that its nice to have someone like me around.
- I listen to Techno Music
- I play World of Warcraft to much.
- I drink coffee all day long.
- I drink soda's hot - dont like them cold.
- I like my steak medium rare.
- I don't drink alcohol beverages.
- I enjoy the outdoors.
- I am a camera nut. I like to take pictures, but I really don't like to take them of myself.
I am giving out 4 awards sorry I haven't really kept up with 7 blogger's. Yeah I know I am sad. hehe
John abuzz is a blogger that has many cool things on his site. He talks about his farm and the flowers that he has. He talks about political views. He is for Gay rights and that is a plus for me. You know John that you are the greatest, and I had to give this back to you. You don't have to post it again, but you deserve it!
Lynmac44 is my cousin, she wrote me out of the blue one day. She asked "Do you have a Partner?" I thought what a weird thing to ask. I did not know that any of my cousins even knew or cared. But she did, she told me that her daughter came out at the age of 15. I encouraged her to write a blog. She did and now you can read her stories too. I am giving this Award to her, cause I think she is the Greatest Mom that I know. You go Girl!
Sean is a friend that I have known for many years now. He is a great guy, and he is a programmer. His blog is about making your blog site pop. He gives instructions on how to do it. It helped me with my site. Cause I am no programmer. I cannot wait until he post his next one. I am giving you this Award cause you really helped my site out! Thanks Sean!
FrankG is also another good friend, his blog tells you like it is. He talks about his life. According to G. He is not a professional blogger, but his content is good. He is gay and tells about his life struggles. I am giving you this Award cause you are the best!
Gratz everyone!
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