Ok, so you think that I am silly. I decided to make a self-watering pot, out of 2 litter bottles. I will post pictures of them in a few days.
I saw this idea online, and thought that wont work. So I tried, what was to my surprize, was how well it worked. I took seeds out of my garden all summer long, so I have a bunch of green beans, cantalope, and tomatoes seeds.
In my first try, I planted, 4 seeds of tomato in each of the two containers, I now have 8 tomato plants.
I also planted 2 green bean seeds in one pot, and now have two green bean plants.
The Cantalope I planted 6 seeds and got 3 plants out of them.
Now the real problem I have is, where am I going to put these plants. I came up with a solution. I took, my tomato plant stands and mounted them to a board. I now have 2 stands that are ready, but now I have to make a few more.
My green bean plants are ready for the stand. I am not sure that I am going to be able to make enough light for the plants, but I am going to give it a try.
I will keep you posted on this, with pictures.
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