Scrille was made, his is a gnome, mage, and he is an engineer.
I took him from level 1 to level 32 in about three weeks. Last night I took him from level 32 to level 36. It took me and two of my friends 24 hours to do this.

About 10 this morning another freind signed on, and he has a level 70 Death Knight, he said you want a run through Scarlet Monistery? I said sure, why not. I invited my friends along too. He ran us through quickly and then did it again. I went from level 36 to level 37 in about 3 hours. It was a long night, and I still havent been to bed.

I haven't played WOW in FOREVER...poor Moolva!
@ Becky - Yeah you need to play Moolva again, as soon as you are settled in your new home.
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