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Monday, September 28, 2009

The ABF Cube is on its way.

We called ABF on Saturday Night and asked them to pick it up today. Well its 8:30 am and its already gone. I hope it makes it ok.

My car is packed and ready to go. I am not surprised at how much I can fit into it. It just surprises others at how much I can fit into it. I own a Metro Geo. The cool feature is the back seat folds down which allows me to pack it with a lot of containers. My Geo gets 65 miles to the gallon on the interstate and about 45 in the city. The last time I drove to Georgia I made it there on one tank of gas.

We are leaving on Wednesday Morning dark and early, 4am.


Larry Ohio said...

(waving towards the west) I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday, Allen. Safe journeys.

Anonymous said...

Safe travels to you!!

Wonder Man said...

safe travels, allen

Lynda said...

Looking forward to hearing about your travels. Take notes so you can blog it.

Beth said...

"My bags are packed and I'm ready to go" is going through my mind right now, even though you aren't leaving on a jet plane. :) Be safe out there and happy travels! I hope you get to have a couple of fun adventures along the way.

Becky said...

Your posts are great. Saw this on a Google Alert...I actually work for U-Pack. Can't wait to see how everything goes. If you need anything, let us know!

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