I went with Michael and Kevin and watched them play Tennis. They played 4 Sets. Kevin absolutely hates the net, he hits it all the time. But Michael really likes it, most of the time he will hit the top of it and it bounces over.
Kevin used to be a Tennis Instructor, he taught Michael and I how to play. But Michael picked it up better than I and has become pretty good at it. I pretty much go over and be the line judge and ball boy.
As soon as my car is fixed then I have to head to work. We have to get ready for "Green Friday" (black friday) Not sure why they changed the name. But it has the same meaning: Eat tons of food on thursday and then be at work at 4am the next day. ugh.
Happy Thanksgiving Allen!
I think it is obscene and wrong that retailers expect those kinds of hours from their employees. However, I know you will have plenty of people take advantage of the sales. My guess is Green sounds better than Black. Black is a dark color (duh to me) and signifies gloom to some or fear to others because of it being scary to be out on a dark, dark night. . . . . but black is a good color in accounting. Maybe they are playing on green - - - with many connotations - - - saving our money in sales - - - - green like in the environment - - - and green like GO as in Go shopping!!!!
As for us, our plans are to stay home for two days since we aren't celebrating Thanksgiving until about Saturday - - due to conflicts with family schedules.
Stay safe in the store - - - - like out of the traffic of frenzied shoppers rushing for the bargains. Staples is a fun place to shop - - - even when I don't take advantage of a sale.
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