Work has been slow this week. But we are getting ready for Black Friday. So we all have been busy little beavers.
I went tonight to get my lunch out of the fridge, and to my surprise it wasn't there. Talk about a let down. I mean what kind of idot would eat some else lunch? I was not a happy camper at all. I left a note in the fridge that said "I hope you enjoyed eating my lunch, thanks alot!" then at the bottom of the note in a very little print, I said, "I will find out who you are!" I was starving by the time I got home tonight.

Naw, better not. That's just too rude.
I would not have made it through the day without having my lunch. I would have passed out. My metabolism isn't what it used to be.
Funny you mentioned Black Friday. Our family was just discussing our plans to avoid that chaos. I am sorry it will be extra crazy that day for you but hopefully the stores will profit very, very well. The economy could use the boost!
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