August was a ruff month for me, it was a time in my life for change. I transferred to a new store, and I had to learn so much, I had to learn the lay out of my new store, (totally different) had to learn new peoples names (like we have 2 Ed's and 2 Laurens - I finally learned to page the department instead of the name. lol) and learned how they work as a team.
I learned very quickly that this store has two major groups. One group has been working together since the store opened and the other was a mix of people that just never fit into the first group.
Kudos to:
Our District Manager Doug - I have been with Staples for going on 5 years now. I have never seen a District manger jump in and work. Not long after I transferred to this store, I was asked to go to another store and work for the day.
The GM there had a nervous break down and the store was a wreck. We all showed up at 6am to work. I was working with the District Manager, 5 General Manager, 3 Asst. Mangers and 3 Customer Service Leads. I was totally amazed at Doug, he came in and asked what needed to be done and started working along side of us.
Our IA. The IA job is to keep up with all the inventory in the store. Now this girl knows her business. She always knows where every thing is. I have worked with 4 IA's and she beats them hands down. I can ask her where is bla bla?, and she will tell me where it is on the shelf and tell me where to find extra of them either on top stock or mid stock. It amazes me to no end.
Since I was doing pretty good at work, I decided to change my life. I wanted to start dating again. I wanted to meet that perfect person to spend the rest of my life with. I dated this one guy for the entire month of September. I thought he was the guy, until I started missing clothes, money etc. I took him out on a date and he was wearing my jeans. I asked him wtf why are you wearing my jeans? He said I only had one pair and took these. I freaked out and dumped him.
I tried for the entire month of October to find a guy just to go out on a date with. I never found one.
The weekend of Halloween, I asked Kevin my roommate to go out with me, it was not a date, but just two friends going out. We decided to dress up and go out. He wore his leather outfit and I wore tight jeans, tight black t-shirt and black boots. He had a collar and a leash. I dragged him around. I pretended to be his MASTER. We went into a bar, called RamRods. The bartender addressed me, what would you like sir? I gave him my order and he said what does the boy want? I looked at him and Kevin spoke. I said "who told you to talk!!!" I gave the bartender his order. I dragged him around the very packed bar on his leash. I was amazed at how many people wanted us. I had guys hitting on me, and he had guys hitting on him.
It was a blast, we had the best time together. He asked me several times, who are you? You are not the Allen I know.
The next day hang over city! My head was pounding. Even through the pain, I was happy, I had enjoyed a great night of fun.
Kevin came into my room and was smiling, I asked him what he was smiling about? He said "thank you for a wonderful night" I told him I had a great time too.
I dont know, how or why. But I looked at him and asked do you want to date? (we have been roommates for over 4 years now) He said he needed to think about it. About an hour later, he said yes. He said its going to be weird. I told him I know it will be. We talked the rest of the day.
The first two weeks of November went well. But on the 18th of November something horrible happened. I was at work, I was the only manager in the store, when I was in the warehouse, I tripped and fell really hard. I hurt my back, the pain was over whelming. I have never ever felt anything like that in my life. I laid on the floor for over an half hour. I finally got to my phone and called the GM I told her what happened. I called the other manager and he came in. He showed up at the same time as the Ambulance. Being strapped the the back board was so pain full. I went to the hospital. On the way I call Kevin and told him. He and Michael showed up at the hospital. They took x-rays and told me I had bruised my ribs and maybe strained my nerves in my back.
The rest of November and part of December I spent going to the doctors and therapy. I am much better now, but I still have some pain. I guess I will have it for awhile.
On Dec. 21st Kevin said you know your off this weekend, I said yes, he asked how about we go to see your dad for christmas? I said really? Kevin has met my father, but he has never met the rest of my family. I am so excited, the last christmas that I spent with my father was 12 years ago. I plan on taking tons of pictures and will keep you posted on the trip.
Happy Holidays everyone!

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