The Top Ten Views for this week 12/24/08 to 12/31/08.
Its in reverse order.
# 10. Mystery News - Cat Fight with 4 views. Short story.
# 09. Games with 5 views. - Under this Label is all the games that I like from PlayItOnTheWeb.com
# 08. The Anointed Cherub with 6 views. My father Raymond McAlister is the President for Emmaus Baptist College. He wrote this article for the school paper. I thought I would share it with you.
# 07. Wanda Sykes on Gay Marriage with 7 views. I have always liked Wanda Sykes. I have to agree with her on this issue. I found this video on Youtube. *warning* this video has lots of cussing.
# 06. Mystery News with 8 views. I thought it would be fun to write small post about the adventures of my cat. Through her eyes.
# 05. Gay Terms with 12 views. Here are a few of the "Gay Terms" that I have learned over the years.
# 04. McAlister History with 14 views.
# 03. Gay with 16 views. In this label I have every story about me.
# 02. Love - How with 23 views. I told a friend that I loved him. He looked at me and asked How? I just stood there. I could not even give him an answer. So here is my answer.
Drum roll please.......
# 01. Confession with 76 views. This is my coming out of the closet story. This was the hardest one to write and then post. I really did not expect to have 76 views or to have the great comments. I have posted a few below.
Doug said...
I admire your bravery and the style with which you consolidated the fears, guilt and oppression that we often put ourselves through. I can relate to 90% of your story. Thank you for sharing, for being brave and for knowing that your feelings and desires are just the way God made you. There is nothing for God to remove, you are just the way you are suppose to be.
Doug -
Allen Baby, You are so brave. I love you so much.
Always your princess
well well well it is a damn time u did this i know that it has been eating at you for years now and i am so proud of you. and i was so happy to hear from you also i hope that you had a very merry christmas and that 2009 will be the very best to come for you but after what i have just been readying i am sure i will be i am so very happy for you i love you my friend and the kids are doing great and as for myself i am hanging in there (((hugs)))) to you xoxoxoxo kells
I understood your feelings and fears as I lived with them too. I am inspired by what you wrote and I am going to tell my story too!