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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cheap Advertising

Here is what I came up with:

Magnetic Car Sign

I thought of this idea when I worked at Staples in Indiana.

I first designed my sign, then went to Staples and bought a Car Sign kit. Inside it has 2 magnetic sheets measuring at 12"x18".

I cut one of the magnetic sheets in half. I printed my signs out on premium paper. Its 28 lbs and 98 bright white.

I then had the copy center laminated those sheets using the adhesive lamination. Once they were done, I peeled the backing off of my new laminated signs, and pressed it on to the magnetic half sheet.

This project cost $20.00 to make.

Trunk Sign

On this project, I took the other magnetic sheet and cut it in half. I then cut one of those in half again. I did the same process as I mentioned on the car door sign. But with this one, I put them end to end.

This project cost: $10.00 to make.

Car Window Shade w/Sign

This project serves two purposes, one its advertisement and two its block the sun out of your vehicle.

What I did:

I found a box that was large enough for this project. I cut it open so that it would lay flat, I then cut it down to 50"x30".

I designed the project in PhotoFilter, then printed out 12 - 8.5x11 sheets. I trimmed the edges and the glued the pages down on the card board. I folded the card board. I let the glue dry overnight and then put it into my car the next day.

This project cost: $1.20 and about 2 hours to put together.

Have a great day all,



Anonymous said...

Very creative work! These are great advertising ideas.

Anonymous said...

Design on a Dime for advertising! Love it!

Lynda said...

I agree with both of the other comments - - - they used my thoughts - - - creative and budget-minded - - - - a great combination. You are a very talented and intelligent individual.

Pat said...

Kudos to you! All bright ideas and cheap!

Allen said...

Michael, Anonymous, Misslynda, and Pat, Thanks so much for the comments. I enjoy making recycled things. =o)

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