The pictures below are of the living room, the walls and ceiling was painted
in a off pink color. (eww)
The picture below is of the hall way.
The pictures to the right, is of the Bathroom, I dont know what they was thinking. Lime green with pink tub and pink trim. (again eww)
The pictures to the left are of the bedroom, the pictures dont show, but the walls are sprayed painted in a pale blue color. Not a color I want to see.
Lots of work to be done, will post when I am done with all the changes. Every room in this place has no flooring, just plywood.

You sound excited about the possibilities ahead of you! It's wonderful to have it be your own to fix up as you want. You are fortunate to be able to do the work yourself. That takes talent.
good luck on the fixing up, looking forward to the finished look. It is always great to have something of your own to work on.
Actually, it's not in bad shape at all. Can't believe the deal you got on the place! I am looking forward to see what you do and the changes you make! :)
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